Friday, April 3, 2015

WordPress Plugin

What is WordPress Plugin?

WordPress Plugin is a software written in PHP language it use one or more functions, that developer use a specific set of services or features to the CMS WordPress, which can be seamlessly integrated with the methods provided and weblog using access points by the WordPress Plugin Application Program Interface (API).

This CMS Plugins allow you to easily customize, modify, and enhance any WordPress website. stand for changing the core software WordPress is estimated you can rather create a plugin to extend it. 

When build a plugin of WordPress make sure that you create it in standards step by step before uphold to when doing so. now start with me listed outline some key to know when creating wordpress plugin by yourself:

1. Plugin Name
this is a the first time to when you making a plugin you will need it name you will want to do a search in wordpress plugin repository.

2. Plugin Files
plugin must lives withing it own folder that located in plugins inside in wordpress directory and have at least one of php file that is named after the plugin if  you named is upload-plug your php file is name upload-plug.php. 
You can split it in multiple files also such as JS, images and CSS within installed plugins.

3. Readme File
In order to make it easy for other develpers or simple user you will create create readme files that it show about this plugin somethings offer change logs which indicate previous update and maintenance announcement to other developer and users.

4. Home Page
If you want to share your plugin with the WordPress community, having a dedicated home page would be wise. on this page user can be used as a place to  report bugs, download the plugin and announce updates to your users.

Standard Plugin File
In a plugin must have some of meta information that tells WordPress what it is, how to handle it in your website. It can be installed, activated, deleted and inactivated. 
example introduction :
* Plugin Name: Replace with you plugin name hear.
* Plugin URI:
* Description: A tell in detail description about your wordpress plugin.
* Version: 1.0 
* Author: Enter your Plugin Author's Name
* Author URI: Author's website
* License: A "Slug" license name e.g. GPL12

****** How to create a WordPress theme?

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