Thursday, September 17, 2015

Using files (images, Js, CSS...) stored in Google Drive on a website

Normally you always stored file ( style sheet, JavaScript, Jquery, image, video ) in the same place with website file. but sometime you need host those file withe different place. especially you want host website with google blogger and using jquery file so must upload it to other hosting and get link url to use on it. it very easy way but it will have problem when your hosting down or your site error. sometime you haven't got a hosting at all so how should you do?

This post i will show you how to upload file in to google drive and get it link to use in other website WordPress or Blogger. just log into google account (gmail)
2.go to
3.start upload file.
4.find the word share and modify permission by choose Public On the web 
5.copy link to share
6.using it on website:[fileID]
 <img src="" />

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