Friday, April 3, 2015

What is JavaScript?

Actually, A lots of Web developers and you will want to know what are difference between Jquery and java script. J is a little stand at beginning of they and both are actually the same thing. jquery is use as a package of JavaScript libraries so it designed specifically to simplify HTML document  animation, event handling, traversing, and Ajax interactions. Other one you know how to use JavaScript, you may be found that jQuery meets most of your needs and needed much coding than conventional JavaScript is require.

What is JavaScript?
This script is a language is designed for use with a web browser. It is used for interface interactions like slideshows or other components are typically done using JavaScript. 
It has many other uses as well. Google email, game development, server side programming, even creating desktop applications and many of the additional of features are power of JavaScript. so it so a popular solution are created using JavaScript.
Many year ago, It was a popular scripting language but web developers were not entirely sold on the idea of using it simply because every browser tools would render JavaScript content in a different manner. Now the new technologies standards are force all web browsers to implement JavaScript, it frustration trying to debug code and saving developers time for a specific client side. And now dynamic content is a hot topic in developing web, that constantly adapts and change to specific users such as JavaScript can use to determine if a website visitor use mobile or computer
What is jquery?

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