This is PHP code to testing browser which is browser you are using or user access to:Firefox/Iceweasel, Opera, Mozilla (and other Gecko engine browsers) to MSIE, Netscape,Galeon, K-Meleon, Lynx, Safari/Chrome (and other WebKit engine browsers), KHTML / Konqueror, and Mac IE browsers like IE 5.1 and 5.2.
This php code let's test together:
'Internet Explorer',
'/firefox/i' => 'Firefox',
'/safari/i' => 'Safari',
'/chrome/i' => 'Chrome',
'/opera/i' => 'Opera',
'/netscape/i' => 'Netscape',
'/maxthon/i' => 'Maxthon',
'/konqueror/i' => 'Konqueror',
'/mobile/i' => 'Handheld Browser'
foreach ($browser_array as $regex => $value) {
if (preg_match($regex, $user_agent)) {
$browser = $value;
return $browser;
function getOS() {
global $user_agent;
$os_platform = "Unknown OS Platform";
$os_array = array(
'/windows nt 6.2/i' => 'Windows 8',
'/windows nt 6.1/i' => 'Windows 7',
'/windows nt 6.0/i' => 'Windows Vista',
'/windows nt 5.2/i' => 'Windows Server 2003/XP x64',
'/windows nt 5.1/i' => 'Windows XP',
'/windows xp/i' => 'Windows XP',
'/windows nt 5.0/i' => 'Windows 2000',
'/windows me/i' => 'Windows ME',
'/win98/i' => 'Windows 98',
'/win95/i' => 'Windows 95',
'/win16/i' => 'Windows 3.11',
'/macintosh|mac os x/i' => 'Mac OS X',
'/mac_powerpc/i' => 'Mac OS 9',
'/linux/i' => 'Linux',
'/ubuntu/i' => 'Ubuntu',
'/iphone/i' => 'iPhone',
'/ipod/i' => 'iPod',
'/ipad/i' => 'iPad',
'/android/i' => 'Android',
'/blackberry/i' => 'BlackBerry',
'/webos/i' => 'Mobile'
foreach ($os_array as $regex => $value) {
if (preg_match($regex, $user_agent)) {
$os_platform = $value;
return $os_platform;
$user_os = getOS();
$user_browser = getBrowser();
***** In WordPress Create Slug and post page object
***** In WordPress Create Slug and post page object
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